Hit Counters the musings of mary jane: love is in the air

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

love is in the air

I don't remember how old I was when I saw the movie Bambi for the
first time, maybe 8 or 10?

ALthough I DO remember that it was the first drive-in movie that I'd ever
been to and not only that, but my COOL aunt Connie took me

I loved the thought of being in the front seat of her old beat up Datsun
drinking too much pop and eating too much junkfood

that's what cool aunts are for

of course we all remember the story of Bambi and those of us with kids
have probably scammed Thumper's advice, "if you can't say something
nice ....don't say anthing at all" (I say that allllll the time!)

lately, though, I have been thinking about the movie a lot as I walk back
and forth to my college classes because there is one thing that is very
apparent around here in my neck of the woods.....every beast and bird
in the world is TWITTERPATED

on the college campus there is a very cool duck pond which is the place
young families take their kids on the weekends to throw bread and show
their toddlers the "duckies"

and more times than not there will be young college kids sitting hand in
hand falling in love for the first time, or the second or third

it's actually a neat little area and it's got great vibes

[but I am also a sucker for both toddlers and romance]

anyhoo...back to the springtime sexual revolution

the local duck pond has actually become the local red door district
and it should have a large sign posted in the area that says
rated NC17 for those parents who are prone to protecting young
eyes from such things

mommy, what are those ducks doing?
daddy, why are there four boy ducks on the girl duck?
grandma, why are those ducks biting each other on the head?
grandpa, I think they are hurting each other!

ahhhhh.....twitterpation at its best

the essence of spring

new beginnings
new life
new hope
green grass
baby "duckies"

it's so refreshing

it's easy for people these days to get so caught up in life that they MISS it
spring break happens
t-ball starts
baseball starts
the time changes
all the school concerts happen
if you are in college, finals are right around the corner and if you are
anything like me, you have put things off until the last possible minute

it's too easy to miss the BEST part

NEW life

it's all around us and we don't even see it
the flirting
the crisp mornings
the swollen buds on the tree branches trying so hard to burst
the birds are going crazy
the ants and the butterflies come back
the days get longer and warmer
it sounds a bit cliche, but it truly is one big circle of life
don't miss it

that old drive-in movie has been gone for ages
and my cool aunt has recently become a cool grandmother
but life just keeps going on
Thumper will forever be Thumper
ducks will forever be ducks
and spring always follows winter

go for a walk
feel the energy
take your boyfriend or girlfriend to a duckpond
listen to the birds
show your kids the ants
don't miss it
be twitterpated with life


Blogger Pollyanna said...

You know how I feel about nature and mussiness. :) But, I will TRY and go and enjoy the spring and all that C R A P. (hehehehehe)

10:18 AM  
Blogger mrs. awesome said...

that's funny...the timing of your post. this weekend we took a walk on the trail and fed the duckies. our daughter was BEYOND excited that we saw a mommy duck sitting on her nest full of eggs. it was neat, but seeing it through my daughter's eyes made it seem truly amazing. the wonder of children is awesome to behold.

8:43 PM  
Blogger wopanese said...

nice thoughts... of course, me, being male, got lost after the flirting part and the warm weather which brings the beautiful scenery of beautiful women out of their winter cocoons... ahh, yes...

Don't worry, I know better than to get caught for nipping anyone's head out by the duck pond!

12:26 PM  

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