Hit Counters the musings of mary jane: A Penny for Your Thoughts

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Penny for Your Thoughts

what is a penny worth to you?

so today while I was digging in my backpack for a pen, a penny appeared from the dark innards somewhere, fell onto the floor, rolled about a foot away and plopped onto it's side

I looked at it and then thought "no big deal, it's just a penny" and I went on with my task at hand

so then I am walking back from class this afternoon and on the sidewalk I see another penny that someone else had dropped and had probably thought to themselves, "no big deal, it's just a penny"

and now I am wondering how many pennies have been dropped, and how many people search in vain for an extra coin, just to survive

I also wonder how many millionares have made the effort to pick up a penny

I need to stop being so lazy and so selfish as to think one penny does not make a difference in a life

what is a penny worth to you?


Blogger karen! said...

That is very insightful, or something. A thing to ponder!
Sometimes, all you need is one more penny to buy that mocha frappichino from Starbucks, or that one penny so that you don't have to break a dollar for something.

7:25 AM  
Blogger mrs. awesome said...

when i was little i used to scan the ground for pennies to put in my shoe for good luck....now that sort of grosses me out :)

but i keep a penny jar and it does add up...the last timee rolled our pennies, it was about 30.00. and that's worth saving. just have to adjust the mindset. i'm always telling my husband that millionares got that way for a reason--a frugal mindset. did you know that the founder of ikea (worth many billions of dollars) still flies in economy class?

8:54 AM  
Blogger Pollyanna said...

See, that's why I will never be a millionare...I like to spend money too much. If i could fly first class I would! Oh wait, I hate to fly, anyway, you get the idea....

And, yes, a penny is worth zippo zero to me. I wouldn't pick one up off the ground. A quarter, maybe. A green dollar, sure. A penny..never.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Denise said...

The kids like to pick up pennies when they see them. I remember doing that when I was a kid. But some part of me still thinks I should take the time to bend over and pick it up so I will have good luck! I just let the kids get them and figure it transfers to me too. Group effort, you know.

10:09 AM  
Blogger Diana said...

My son is fascinated with them, so when we find one at home I have him put it in his piggy bank. The ones outside-not so much (eeewwwww!)
But they will add up, and he will get a great toy out of it.
As for me- pennies make their way to the bottom of my purse to die until i need them to not break a dollar! (like karen)

1:22 PM  

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